Featured Research Collection
Featured Research Collection used by front page.
New CRP Research Examines Impact of Gentrification on Schools, Potential for Reducing Segregation
- A new study, published today by The Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles, examines the growth of gentrification in California and its impact on schools and educational opportunities in the state.
New research details lost instruction time in CA schools, underscores disparate harm of post-pandemic punitive suspensions
- Two groups of children with the most unstable home environments - foster youth and those experiencing homelessness - are the two groups that educators are most likely to send home by meting out punitive "out-of-school" suspension, according to this new research.
New Civil Rights Project Research Urges Schools Do More to Address Racism
- As conservative governors and legislatures across the nation seek to limit learning and discussion in schools about race and racial history, this new research published by the Civil Rights Project/ Proyecto Derechos Civiles, calls on schools, educators and policymakers to do just the opposite – challenging them to positively address racism and its impact on learning and opportunity.
New publication explores challenges of a rapidly emerging, multiracial population for future civil rights law and policy
- As the nation marks the civil rights milestone of the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington, a new research paper published by the UCLA Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles explores the rapid growth of a multiracial population in the United States, highlighting new challenges and possibilities for the future of the civil rights movement.
Bilingual Education IS America's Future
- New report synthesizes rigorous research to make the case for establishing bilingual education as the standard of instruction for students classified as English learners and outlines policies needed to achieve that standard. At a time of growing interest and grassroots support for bilingual education, the U.S. lags behind most other nations where bilingual education is the norm.