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Integration and Diversity

Research in this section explores the impacts and benefits of racial and ethnic diversity in education, as well as resegregation trends and remedies in our nation's public schools.

Related publication: The Integration Report - a monthly bulletin focusing on school integration throughout the nation

Recent Integration and Diversity Research


Research Item Losing Ground: School Segregation in Massachusetts
The time has come for Massachusetts to get serious about dealing more effectively with its diversity. Because the nonwhite populations have historically been small and there is a general white attitude that the state is progressive and has done enough, the issues are often ignored.
Research Item Settle for Segregation or Strive for Diversity? A Defining Moment for Maryland’s Public Schools
This report is the second in a series of 12 reports analyzing school segregation in the Eastern states. It investigates trends in school segregation in Maryland over the last two decades by examining concentration, exposure and evenness measures by both race and class. After exploring the overall enrollment patterns and segregation trends at the state level, this report turns to the Baltimore metropolitan area to analyze similar measures of segregation.
Research Item Miles to Go: A Report on School Segregation in Virginia, 1989-2010
Despite Virginia’s long history with school desegregation, little political attention has been paid to the growing multi-racial diversity of the state’s enrollment and rising levels of isolation for its African American and Latino students. The report covers the past two decades and is the first to thoroughly explore trends in the state, its major metro areas and largest school divisions in the years since many of its districts were released from court order to desegregate.
Research Item Educational Delusions? Why Choice Can Deepen Inequality and How to Make Schools Fair
University of California 330 pages, 9 illustrations, 11 tables ISBN 978-0-520-27473-0 (cloth) ISBN 978-0-520-27474-7 (paper)
Research Item The Resegregation of Suburban Schools: A Hidden Crisis in American Education
Erica Frankenberg is an assistant professor in the department of education policy studies in the College of Education at the Pennsylvania State University. Gary Orfield is a professor of education, law, political science and urban planning, and codirector of the Civil Rights Project at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Research Item E Pluribus...Separation: Deepening Double Segregation for More Students
This report suggests a number of specific ways to reverse the trends toward deepening resegregation and educational inequalities.
Research Item The Western States: Profound Diversity But Severe Segregation for Latino Students
In the following report, we present an in-depth exploration of these Western trends that are merely summarized in the corresponding larger report, E Pluribus… Separated. Major findings in the West are highlighted below.
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