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Teachers of English Language Learners in Secondary Schools: Gaps in Preparation and Support

Authors: Lucrecia Santibañez, Claremont Graduate University, Patricia Gándara, UCLA
Date Published: March 28, 2018

The authors analyze data from a survey distributed among secondary teachers in a large urban school district to examine how well prepared they feel to teach ELs.
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Across the nation, nearly all teachers can expect to have EL students in their classrooms. The challenges of teaching ELs students are particularly acute in the nation’s secondary schools. There is evidence to suggest that the lack of preparation to teach ELs is generally weak, but even more so for secondary teachers. We analyze data from a survey distributed among secondary teachers in a large urban school district to examine how well prepared they feel to teach ELs. Without special preparation, even good teachers may find it difficult to meet the needs of ELs, and many secondary EL teachers note that the preparation and support they most want and need is the least available to them.  The study also points out that the resources to assist these teachers may be in greater supply than is apparent.


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